Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sorry fo the late post!

Okay, the last Google day was last week and I'm sorry for getting back so late. But that Google day was great. I learned and was able to play well the G, C, and D chords. With those chords, I can now play a new song. I haven't played any songs that I want to perform yet, but since my cross country season is ending tomorrow, I'll have a lot more time to practice. Can't wait to learn some more chords and songs!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time to Uncover Some Difficulties...

I've encountered my first major difficulty with this project. Namely, my guitar. The guitar is too old, or the strings are too old, for me to get it in tune, so I'm going to have to take it in to a music store to get it fixed. That leaves me with a bit of a problem. Until I have the guitar fixed, I can't practice. To get around that problem, I'm learning chords. Figuring out how the chord tabs work, and how to get my fingers on the board. A couple of weeks in, and I'm still learning chords. Don't worry, songs will come soon!